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Performing(74)involves monitoring spec

Performing(74)involves monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant quality standards and identifying ways to eliminate causes of unsatisfactory results.

  • Aquality planning
  • Bquality assurance
  • Cquality performance
  • Dquality control





2、The percentage of impurities in a spec

The percentage of impurities in a specific fuel oil sample is determined by ().Asettling in a fuel tankBtesting in a laboratory centrifugeCburning in a calorimeterDtesting in a closed cu

3、●A (74)is aformal set ofrules for spec

●A (74)is aformal set ofrules for specifying the format and relationship when exchanging data among communicating devices.(74)A protocolBlanguageCprogramDcommand

4、The ratio of output response to a spec

The ratio of output response to a specified change in the input is known as()Aprimary feedbackBdeviationCsensitivityDdead band

5、A high cube container is designed spec

A high cube container is designed specifically to().Acarry low density cargoesBprotect fragile cargoesCstow cargoes with concentrated weights such as machineryDcarry cargoes of very low stowage factor

6、Performing()involves monitoring speci

Performing()involves monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant quality standards and identifying ways to elim...