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The palace eaught fire three times in

The palace eaught fire three times in the last century , and little of the original buliding________now .

  • A remains
  • Bis remained
  • C is remaining
  • D has been remained

1、If the firing pressures in a diesel en

If the firing pressures in a diesel engine are high, although the exhaust temperatures are normal, the cause may be()Aearly injection timingBw...

2、In fighting a fire in a fuel tank, the

In fighting a fire in a fuel tank, the FIRST action you should attempt is to _____.Asecure all sources of fresh air to the tankBbegin transf...

3、In the event of a fire, the doors to a

In the event of a fire, the doors to a stair tower must be closed to prevent the spread of fire by ().AconvectionBconductionCradiationDventilatio

4、In fighting a fire in a fuel tank, the

In fighting a fire in a fuel tank, the FIRST action you should attempt is to ().Asecure all sources of fresh air to the tankBbegin transfe...

5、The primary danger in helicopter fires

The primary danger in helicopter fires is().Aburning jet fuel running on to quarters or other areasBloss of stabilityCrotating and flying debriDheat damage to helicopter structure

6、A fire, occurring in the windings, of

A fire, occurring in the windings, of an overloaded electrical motor, is considered a ().Aclass "A" fireBclass "B" fireCclass "C" fireDclass "D" fire