可学答题网 > 问答 > 船舶证书的有效期、展期与更新题库
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My Deratization Exemption Certificate

My Deratization Exemption Certificate will () by the end of this month.

  • Abecome due
  • Bbecome valid
  • Cbecome lawful
  • Dbecome effective

1、The Tonnage Certificate indicates().

The Tonnage Certificate indicates().Adeadweight tonsBdisplacement tonsCnet tonsDgross to

2、()of this deratting exemption certific

()of this deratting exemption certificate is hereby extended until 4th 0ct.1988 as the vessel is laden with cargo.AValidityBValidCValidationDThe coming into force

3、英译中:Certificate of origin(CAO)

英译中:Certificate of origin(CAO)

4、My Deratization Exemption Certificate

My Deratization Exemption Certificate will become ()on the 16th of September.AdueBexpireClawfulDnon-effective

5、A Certificate of Financial Responsibil

A Certificate of Financial Responsibility attests that the vessel().Ahas financial backing to meet any liability resulting from the discharge of...

6、术语翻译:Certificate of origin()

术语翻译:Certificate of origin()