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植株化学诊断法 diagnosis method of plant chem

植株化学诊断法 diagnosis method of plant chemistry


1、Petroleum is a result of the()of plant

Petroleum is a result of the()of plant or animal matter in areas which are slowly subsiding.AdepressionBdescriptionCdestructionDdepositio

2、诊断特异性(specificity of diagnosis)

诊断特异性(specificity of diagnosis)

3、生物培养诊断法 diagnosis method of biological

生物培养诊断法 diagnosis method of biological incubation

4、土壤指示植物 indicator plant of soil

土壤指示植物 indicator plant of soil

5、利用PubMed文献数据查找论文“Transgenic plants of

利用PubMed文献数据查找论文“Transgenic plants of Petunia hybrida harboring the CYP2E1 gene efficiently remove benzene and toluene pollutants and improve resistance to formaldehyde”的第一作者是()。AXiangTBBaoLCLiPDZhangD

6、诊断效率(efficiency of diagnosis)

诊断效率(efficiency of diagnosis)