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In vessel construction, beam are trans

In vessel construction, beam are transverse girders which provide support to().

  • Abulkheads
  • Bdeckhouse structures
  • Cdecks
  • Dvertical frame

1、In vessel construction,a greater numbe

In vessel construction,a greater number of watertight bulkheads results in().Aincreased capacity to set flooding boundariesBdecreased capacity to set flooding boundariesCreduced compartmentationDgreater deck load capacity

2、Deck beams on a vessel are generally s

Deck beams on a vessel are generally spaced at equal intervals and run().AlongitudinallyBverticallyCtransverselyDintermittently

3、You are docking a vessel in a slip whi

You are docking a vessel in a slip which has its entrance athwart the tide.You land the ship across the end of the pier,stemming the tide,...

4、In vessel construction. Beam brackets

In vessel construction. Beam brackets are triangular plates than join the deck beam to a().AbulkheadBframeCstanchionDdeck longitudinal

5、Vessels are warned()in this area.

Vessels are warned()in this area.Ato not anchorBto anchor notCnot to anchorDnot anchor to

6、When two vessels are in immediate dang

When two vessels are in immediate danger of collision,the stand-on vessel must().Aabandon shipBassist in taking whatever action is necessary to avoid collisionChold course and speedDsound a distress signal