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I am so sorry to interrupt you again.(

I am so sorry to interrupt you again.()

  • AThat's good.
  • BIt's all right.
  • CI don't think so.
  • DNo way!

1、I am afraid it was a()for you to do th

I am afraid it was a()for you to do this.AbotherBbitterCbakeDband

2、“Nice to see you again.”的意思是()。

“Nice to see you again.”的意思是()。AA、你好吗BB、希望下次见到您CC、欢迎下次再来DD、很高兴再次见到您

3、I am going to visit you. Can you tell

I am going to visit you. Can you tell me the()of your house?AdirectionBlocationCplaceDvenue

4、I'm very sorry to have() you with so m

Im very sorry to have() you with so many questions on such an occasion.AinterferedBoffendedCimpressedDbothered

5、Jim is sorry()so impolite to your gues

Jim is sorry()so impolite to your guest last Saturday.Ato beBbeingChaving beenDto have bee

6、I am very sorry fo

Iamverysorryforcominglate,butsomethingurgentcameupatthelastminute.这句话的中文意思是()A 我很抱歉来晚了 ,但我在最后一分钟里想起了某件事儿。B 我很抱歉迟到了 ,...