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How is “radio silence” imposed?()

How is “radio silence” imposed?()

  • ABy the On Scene Coordinator (OSC)
  • BBy the Coast Earth Station (CES) controlling the distress communications on that frequency
  • CIt is imposed by the Public Correspondence Station (PCS) controlling the distress communications on that frequency or channel
  • DIt is imposed by the High Seas Service (HSS) controlling the distress communications on that frequency or channel

1、How is the external flotation bladder

How is the external flotation bladder of an immersion suit inflated?()AIt is inflated by a small CO2 bottle that is automatically tripped whe...

2、How tall is your sister?()

How tall is your sister?()AShe is not very well.BShe is years old.CShe is very nice.DShe is as tall as I am.

3、2. —How is your science teacher?

2. —How is your science teacher?A— He is very strict __________us.BA.toCB.forDC.withED.

4、How is the external flotation bladder

How is the external flotation bladder of an immersion suit inflated?()AIt is inflated by a small CO2 bottle that is automatically tripped whe...

5、By how much is 

By how much is a signal’s strength reduced when the signal passes through an obj...

6、How is the default&#

How is the default print queue identified?()AThe first queue in queue config fileBThe stanz...