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Which of the following is true accordi

Which of the following is true according to the article?

Passage 1     When asked by Conan if his daughters had smart phones,comedianLouis CK explained that he had successfully fended them off by simply replying."No, you can't have it. It is bad for you." He instantly became my hero as I was mired in difficult negotiationswith my ten-year-old daughter over one. And frankly, she waswinning. Was it possible to say no to my daughter, as CK suggested? I hadn' teven known I was allowed to, if the guinea pigs, the dogs, and things for her dollMolly were any indication. CK rationalized,"I am notraising the children. l' m raising the grown-ups that they are going to be. Sojust because the other stupid kids have phones doesn't mean that my kid has tobe stupid. " Now I knew I didn’twant my kid to grow up stupid like her friends. I needed to explain this toher. This is what CK told Conan and me.  Cell phones are "toxic,especially forkids." he said,because they don' t help them learn empathy,one of thenicer human emotions. When we text,we don’t see or heara visceral reaction .The response we get is cold and hard text-message."Why are kids mean?" He asked. "Because they're trying it out.They look at another kid and say,'You' re fat'. Then they see the kid's face scrunch up and thinkthat doesn't feel good.” Texting "you're fat" allows you to bypassthe pain. CK went on to explain that smart phones rob us of our ability to bealone. Kids use smart phones to occupy their time: Must text! Must play game!Must look up more tiny socks online for Molly! CK asked, what happened to zoningout? After all,one of the joys of being human is allowing our minds to wander withcell phones,kids are always preoccupied. They never daydream,except inclass. And here's something else we're missing: our right to be miserable. Thiswas a right I hadn't realized I desired until CK pointed out that it's anotherof the essential human emotions. CK gave the example of driving by yourself and suddenly realizingthat you're alone. Not "Oh, guess I can' t use the lane" alone. Dark,brooding sadness causes so many drivers to grab smart phone and reach out toanother living soul. "Everybody's murdering each other with their cars" as theytext because they dread being alone. Too bad -they're missing out on a life-affirmingexperience. "I was in my car one time,and BruceSpringsteen's 'Jungleland' came on. He sounds so far away. It made me reallysad. And I think, l've got to get the phone and write hi to 50 people. I was reaching for the phone,and Ithought,don't! Just be sad." So CK pulled over and allowed himself to sob like a little girldenied a nice thing for her American Girl doll. "It was beautiful. Sadnessis poetic. You're lucky to live sad moments," he said. Because he didn'tfight and allowed himself to be sadness I was grateful to feel sad, and then Imet it with true profound happiness. The thing is, because we don't want thatfirst bit of sad, we push it away with that little phone. So you never feel completelysad or completely happy. You just feel kind of satisfied. And then you die. That'swhy I don't want to get phones for my kids".  And I suppose I don't either. 
  • AText messages have allowed children to learn and feel empathy.
  • BCell phones have made children‘s life at school colorful and exciting.
  • CExperiencing loneliness or sadness is as beneficial as enjoying happiness.
  • DCell phones may offer people the quickest way to find someone to talk to.



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