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The oil is drawn from a drain tank thr

The oil is drawn from a drain tank through (), one of a pair of pumps, into one of fine filters.

  • Aa strain tank
  • Ba head tank
  • Ca service tank
  • Da strainer

1、In a typical fuel system, the oil is s

In a typical fuel system, the oil is stored in () in the double bottom.Asetting tanksBservice tanksCtanksDdrain tank

2、Releasing oil from the sea anchor of a

Releasing oil from the sea anchor of a lifeboat may().Akeep the propeller from being fouledBincrease propeller speedChelp calm the waves in the vicinity of the craftDincrease the holding power of the sea anchor

3、When discharging oil from an oil tanke

When discharging oil from an oil tanker the instantaneous rate()60 liters per nautical mile.AShould not exceedBMust be up toCShould exceedDShould be about

4、Before a tank is to be crude oil washe

Before a tank is to be crude oil washed,the oxygen content in the tank must be measured at a position().Aimmediately above the level of the oilBat the top of the tankCin the vent riserDone meter from the deck

5、A lube oil sample taken from the main

A lube oil sample taken from the main engine lube oil system has dark yellow opaque color.This is the result of ()Awater contaminationBmixing oils of two widely different viscositiesCoverheatingDaeratio

6、When the tail-shaft is drawn from a ve

When the tail-shaft is drawn from a vessel in dry-dock, which of the following inspections is required to be carried out?()AThe propeller hub...