可学答题网 > 问答 > 船舶浮性题库,海上货物运输题库
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The upward pressure of displaced water

The upward pressure of displaced water is called().

  • Abuoyancy
  • Bdeadweight
  • Cdraft
  • Dfreeboard

1、The purpose of the low pressure cut-ou

The purpose of the low pressure cut-out switch is to ().Amaintain liquid refrigerant at the suction of the compressorBmaintain a preset suctio...

2、As the displacement of a vessel increa

As the displacement of a vessel increases,the detrimental effect of free surface().AincreasesBdecreasesCremains the sameDmay increase or decrease depending on the fineness of the vessel's form

3、If the head pressure of a reciprocatin

If the head pressure of a reciprocating refrigeration compressor is excessive, ().Athe relief valve should open before the high pressure cutout...

4、The sudden reduction of pressure occur

The sudden reduction of pressure occurring within the crankcase of a refrigeration compressor during starting causes the ().Asudden evaporation ...

5、The pressure of a liquid leaving the p

The pressure of a liquid leaving the pump can be referred to as the ().Atotal headBdischarge headCnet positive suction headDsuction head

6、The pressure difference of the gauge o

The pressure difference of the gauge on the oily water separator increases greatly, the reason is()Athe filter is cloggedBbilge suction value ...