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Since independence the Irish Republic

Since independence the Irish Republic has adhered to().

  • Aa policy of protectionism
  • Ba policy of containment
  • Ca policy of military alliance
  • Da policy of neutrality and nonalignment

1、Since the birth of the Barbie doll it

Since the birth of the Barbie doll it has served as a sign to show the tendency of the fashion. 回答下面的题目:When Ruth and Eliiot Handler was young, they had a strong desire to be highly successful.ARightBWrongCNot mentioned

2、Since the road is wet,() last night.

Since the road is wet,() last night.Ait must have rainedBit must rainCit must be rainingDit must have been raining

3、Others argue that since the earth has

Others argue that since the earth has endured a long string of ice ages in the last two million to three million years, any warming is()to be temporary.AseemedBlikelyCtendedDpossible

4、Since the good sare()stock,they cannot

Since the good sare()stock,they cannot be supplied()stock.Aout of,atBoutside,fromCwithout,fromDout of,ex

5、Since 1945,the UK economy has experien

Since 1945,the UK economy has experienced()decline rather than()decline.

6、Since the fire is increasing on board

Since the fire is increasing on board the vessel,the Captain orders that the ship be().AsubtleBdentalCbrittleDscuttled