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What maxim is flouted in such extreme

What maxim is flouted in such extreme example of tautologies as "Boys are boys",and "Lies are lies"?

  • AThe maxim of quantity
  • BThe maxim of quality.
  • CThe maxim of relevance
  • DThe maxim of manner

解析:考查对交际中合作准则的理解。美国哲学家格莱斯Paul Grice认为,在所有的言语交际活动中,说话人和听话人之间为达到某二个共同的交际目标,都有一种默契,一种双方都应遵守的原则,即合作原则,包括以下四条准则:数量准则、质量准则、关联准则和方式准则。数量准则(The maxim of quantity):①自己所说的话达到所要求的详尽程度;②不能使自己所说的话比所要求的更详细.质量准则(四e maxim of quality):①不要说自己认为不真实的话;②不要说自己缺乏足够证据的话。关联准则(maxim of relevance):说话要贴切。方式准则(The maxim of manner):①避免晦涩的词语;②避免歧义;③说话要简要;④说话要有条理。题干问的是"Boys are boys"和"Lies arelies"这两个同义重复的极端例子违反了哪个准则。题干中"男孩是男孩""谎言是谎言"表达不够详尽,所以违反了数量准则,故选A。


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