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If a unique constraint is defined on c

If a unique constraint is defined on column COL1 of table TAB1, what are the characteristics of COL1?()

  • ACOL1 will accept NULL values and can be referenced in another table's foreign key specification.
  • BCOL1 will not accept NULL values and cannot be referenced in another tables foreign key specification.
  • CCOL1 will not accept NULL values and can be referenced in another tables foreign key specification.
  • DCOL1 will accept NULL values and cannot be referenced in another tables foreign key specification.

1、If the officer on watch is in any doub

If the officer on watch is in any doubt as to the pilot’s actions,or intentions,he should ().Anotify the Captain as soon as possibleBseek clarification from the pilotCtake action by his own judgmentDcease the duty of pilot's at once

2、A hygroscopic cargo is define as a car

A hygroscopic cargo is define as a cargo().Acapable of absorbing moisture in the form of a gasBcapable of giving off moisture in the form of a liquidCthat is shipped in a liquid ststeDthat will ignite in contact with water

3、If the engine does start on air, but c

If the engine does start on air, but combustion does not immediately begin, the cause may not be ().Alow compressionBfailure of the fuel pump to discharge fuelCincorrect timing of fuel pumpDturning gear being still o

4、A pump is defined as device that()

A pump is defined as device that()Aproduces pressureBimparts energy to a fluid to move it from level ‘A’ to level ‘B’Ccreates a vacuum to move a liquid in all installationDis to develop a pressure differential

5、If the cargo gear on your vessel is eq

If the cargo gear on your vessel is equipped with a regular guy and a preventer guy,you should().Alet the schooner guy take most of the s...

6、() is a defined area within which ship

() is a defined area within which ships must use particular caution and should follow the recommended direction of traffic flow.ARecommended Direction of Traffic FlowBRoundaboutCSeparation Zone or LineDPrecautionary Area