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Vessels carrying()must not willfully w

Vessels carrying()must not willfully wash decks or holds.

  • Ageneral cargo
  • Bsteel products
  • Charmful cargo
  • Dmachinery

1、A single towing light will be carried

A single towing light will be carried above a vessel’s sternlight().Aonly if she is towing asternBonly if the tow exceeds 200 metersCat any time when towingDif the towing vessel is part of a composite unit

2、Vessels must () pilot at waiting ancho

Vessels must () pilot at waiting anchorage.AwaitBwait forCbe waitedDbe waited for

3、Vessels transiting the canal must have

Vessels transiting the canal must have their accommodation ladders and cargo booms().AremovedBrigged inCreadjustedDtested

4、Vessels approaching from west will()pi

Vessels approaching from west will()pilot in approximate position 015108N/1033008E.AobtainBselectCrequestDpick u

5、Vessels must navigate()caution in this

Vessels must navigate()caution in this area.AinBbyConDwith

6、Which bearing will carry the load on t

Which bearing will carry the load on two small points diametrically opposite to each other?()ANeedleBTapered rollerCRollerDBall