目录: 标题| 题干| 答案| 搜索| 相关

She stared at the painting, wondering

She stared at the painting, wondering where she ______it.

  • A saw
  • B has seen
  • C sees
  • D had seen

1、()the ship leaves at 1000 today,she ca

()the ship leaves at 1000 today,she can arrive there tomorrow.AWhenBHowCIfDShould

2、Thank you for the wonderful meal, Mrs.

Thank you for the wonderful meal, Mrs. Hanson.()AOh, I don't think you ate well.BI'm not a good cook in fact.CBe careful next timeDI'm glad you enjoyed it.

3、She()to see so many people at the part

She()to see so many people at the party.AthrilledBthrillCwas thrillingDwas thrilled

4、When ship at anchor she shall be deeme

When ship at anchor she shall be deemed to be().ANot under-wayBNot under commandCRestricted in her ability to maneuverDA non-displacement shi

5、She declined to travel at the()of her

She declined to travel at the()of her company and paid for the trip herself.AchargeBadmissionCexpenseDti

6、She couldn't()laughing at him in those

She couldnt()laughing at him in those clothes.AdeclineBrejectCrefuseDresist