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Sometimes the contract()that the lump

Sometimes the contract()that the lump sum freight must be paid in advance and will not be returnable even if the vessel and/or her cargo are lost.

  • Aprovide
  • Bprovides
  • Cproviding
  • Dbe provided

1、Sometimes the charter-party states tha

Sometimes the charter-party states that the amount of cargo to be loaded is to be decided by the shipowners,e.g. 10000 tons of 2240 1b.,12% more or less at()option.ACharterer'sBcargo owner'Cowner'sDshipper'

2、The captain()this salvage contract as

The captain()this salvage contract as the representative of the owners of vessel and her cargo.Awrites downBenters intoCtakes noteDworks off

3、When()the contract, please include the

When()the contract, please include the arbitration clause.AdraftBdraftingCtodraftDdrafted

4、Liens may be created by the contract()

Liens may be created by the contract()they do not exist at common law.AwhereBwhetherCthereDand

5、Contracts whereby the possession and c

Contracts whereby the possession and control of a ship vest()the Charterer are becoming more common today especially in the oil tanker trade.AonBtoCatDi

6、The salvage contract whereby the salvo

The salvage contract whereby the salvor is entitled to no award if the salvage services are unsuccessful is termed().ANo cure-no payBNon-contract salvageCA non-salvage serviceDNone of the above