可学答题网 > 问答 > 海上事故报告题库
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The annual change in()is 0.2 degree.

The annual change in()is 0.2 degree.

  • AMagnetic Variation
  • BMarine Insurance
  • CMaritime Accident
  • DMean High Water Spring

1、In the process of (), liquid changes i

In the process of (), liquid changes into gas.AevaporationBfrostingCcondensingDcompressing

2、The change in the attidues towards the

The change in the attidues towards the Vcitorians is revealed in the fact that _____.A[A] the 100th anniversary of the death of Queen Victoria...

3、The temperature now is 6 degrees()zero

The temperature now is 6 degrees()zero centigrade.AonBlowClowerDbelow

4、Which change in the condition of the s

Which change in the condition of the seas could indicate the formation of a tropical storm or hurricane several hundred miles from your locati...

5、Your()is 175 degrees from the lighthou

Your()is 175 degrees from the lighthouse.AbearingBpositionClocationDplace

6、The changes in the channel’s sands and

The changes in the channel’s sands and buoys on this coast are () this chart can not be considered as a safe guide of the channel.AfrequentBso frequentCfrequent thatDso frequent that