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How long has Mr.Wang been here?

How long has Mr.Wang been here?

  • AHe arrived here three hours ago.
  • BHe’s been here for all hour.
  • CHe came here half an hour ago.

W:Excuse me,when did you arrive here,Mr.Wang?M:I arrived here an hour ago.


1、Nobody knows how long and how seriousl

Nobody knows how long and how seriously the shakiness(不稳定) of big businesses will () down the economy.AputBsettleCdragDknock

2、How long have you worked here?()

How long have you worked here?()ASince about two years.BI do not know.CFor about two years.DWho knows.

3、Mr Wang is going to teach you maths()o

Mr Wang is going to teach you maths()one year.AwithBonCforDto

4、Hello! Is that Mr Wang speaking?()

Hello! Is that Mr Wang speaking?()AYes. This is Mr Wang speaking.BYes. Can I speak to Mr Wang?CSorry, you'd better ask Mr Wang.DNo, I can't speak.

5、Mr. Wang and his son, both looking ver

Mr. Wang and his son, both looking very happy, ______ taking a walk in the park.A areB isC hasD have

6、35.—Mr Wang,must I come again on Sunda

35.—Mr Wang,must I come again on Sunday morning to clean the windows?—No,you _________.I have asked others to do it.A don’t have toB mustn’ tC can’tD shouldnt