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Functions aboard a tanker or tank barg

Functions aboard a tanker or tank barge such as connecting,disconnecting,and topping off must be supervised by().

  • Aany certificated tankerman
  • Bthe Master of the vessel
  • Cthe officer of the watch
  • Dthe person designated as person in charge

1、The Master of a cargo or tanker shall

The Master of a cargo or tanker shall be responsible that each lifeboat,except those free-fall launched,is lowered to the water with crew and maneuvered at least once every().AweekBmonthCthree monthsDyear

2、When inspecting a tank barge to see th

When inspecting a tank barge to see that it has all the required fire extinguishers and other safety items aboard,which of the following is ...

3、The () or balance tank collects the re

The () or balance tank collects the re-circulated fuel oil.AoverflowingBsumpCbilgeDbuffer

4、A tank which is NOT completely full or

A tank which is NOT completely full or empty is called().ApressedBslackCinertialDelemental

5、Prior to backloading portable tanks or

Prior to backloading portable tanks or drums onto an offshore supply vessel,check that each tank is().Apainted yellow with diagonal black stripingBcapped and checked for leaksCcoated with non-corrosive protectionDmounted on pallet

6、Functions aboard a tanker or tank barg

Functions aboard a tanker or tank barge such as connecting, disconnecting, and topping off must be supervised by().Aany certificated tankermanBthe master of the vesselCthe officer of the watchDthe person designated as person in charge