目录: 标题| 题干| 答案| 搜索| 相关

---Do you know if Linda is willing to

---Do you know if Linda is willing to take charge of the program?--- , does it?

  • AIt makes no time
  • B It counts for nothing
  • C It doesn’t hurt to ask
  • D It doesn’t make sense

1、Do you know if Mrs. Brown is still liv

Do you know if Mrs. Brown is still living in London?()AYes, she is.BYes, it is.CYes, they are.DYes, he is.

2、What do you know about “carnation”?

What do you know about “carnation”? 请根据下面的短文回答第下面的题目: People thank their parents、with two days:Mother’s Day,on th...

3、--Do you know who telephoned me? --()

--Do you know who telephoned me? --()ANo,I didn’t phone you.BYes,I know you well.CI heard it was Sally.DYes,I remember it now.

4、Mr. Agent, do you know()?

Mr. Agent, do you know()?Awhen can the stevedores finish loadingBwhen will the stevedores finish loadingCwhen the stevedores can finish loadingDwhen the stevedores finish loading ca

5、Who do you think it is that he will h

Who do you think it is that he will have_______ the letter?Ato postBpostedCpostDposting

6、Do you know()in English?

Do you know()in English?Ahow say itBhow to say itChow saying itDhow to saying it