可学答题网 > 问答 > 航行值班与海上避碰题库
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If a vessel of special construction ca

If a vessel of special construction cannot fully comply with the Rules,her degree of compliance shall be determined by().

  • AIMO
  • BThe owners of the vessel
  • CThe government
  • DThe builder

1、If the result of loading a vessel is a

If the result of loading a vessel is an increase in the height of the center of gravity,there will always be an increase in the().Ametacentric heightBrighting armCrighting momentDvertical moment

2、In vessel construction,a greater numbe

In vessel construction,a greater number of watertight bulkheads results in().Aincreased capacity to set flooding boundariesBdecreased capacity to set flooding boundariesCreduced compartmentationDgreater deck load capacity

3、If a vessel is sagging,what kind of st

If a vessel is sagging,what kind of stress is placed on the sheer strake?()ACompressionBTensionCThrustDRacking

4、Construction of a ne

Construction of a new automobile parts manufacturing facility has recently been completed. Th...

5、A vessel behaves as if all of its weig

A vessel behaves as if all of its weight is acting downward through the center of gravity,and all its support is acting upward through the().AkeelBcenter of buoyancyCtipping centerDamidships sectio

6、If the redelivery of a vessel is delay

If the redelivery of a vessel is delayed by causes (),hire is payable at the charter rate until redelivery even though the market rate may...