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She had just finished her homework her

She had just finished her homework her mother asked her to practice playing the piano yesterday.

  • A when
  • B while
  • C after
  • D since

1、Not only she but also her neighbours _

Not only she but also her neighbours ______to the party.A was invitedB has been invitedC have invitedD were invited

2、She has always()to her father, althoug

She has always()to her father, although he did not graduate from a famous university.AappreciatedBadmiredCrespectedDlooked u

3、She persevered in her ideas despite o

She persevered in her ideas despite obvious objections raised by friends.ApersisteDBinsistedCresistedDsuggested

4、She took her handkerchief out () her p

She took her handkerchief out () her pocket.AfromBofCi

5、She used()all her clothes there.

She used()all her clothes there.AbuyBto buyingCbuyingDto buy

6、She had hardly got home________ her hu

She had hardly got home________ her husband went to work?AwhenBafterCthatDsince