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The horizontal flat surfaces where the

The horizontal flat surfaces where the upper stock joins the rudder are the().

  • Arudder keys
  • Brudder palms
  • Clifting flanges
  • Dshoes of the rudder

1、What is good at about the flat?

What is good at about the flat?A It is a large sitting room.B It has a good futuree.C It has a big ketchen.

2、The lube oil to lubricate the surfaces

The lube oil to lubricate the surfaces of the cylinder liners is spread over by the ().Asliding piston ringsBengines camshaftCsmall pumpsDforced feed system

3、what is good about the flat?

what is good about the flat?Ait has a large sitting room.Bit has good furnitureCir has a big kitchen.

4、When()the old block of flats()?

When()the old block of flats()?Adid;being demolishedBdid;demolishCis;being demolishedDis;demolished

5、I()the flat in the centre of the town.

I()the flat in the centre of the town.Aam interested inBam interesting inCinterest

6、The points on the earth’s surface wher

The points on the earth’s surface where the magnetic dip is 90° are().AAlong the magnetic equatorBConnected by the isoclinal lineCThe isoporsDThe magnetic pole