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How long must GMDSS Radio Logs be reta

How long must GMDSS Radio Logs be retained by the licensee when they relate to a distress situation or disaster? ()

  • A6 months
  • B1 year
  • C2 years
  • D3 year

1、Nobody knows how long and how seriousl

Nobody knows how long and how seriously the shakiness(不稳定) of big businesses will () down the economy.AputBsettleCdragDknock

2、()tankers over 100 meters long must no

()tankers over 100 meters long must not proceed beyond Dongbei Buoy.ALoadingBLoadCLadeDLade

3、How is “radio silence” imposed?()

How is “radio silence” imposed?()ABy the On Scene Coordinator (OSC)BBy the Coast Earth Station (CES) controlling the distress communications o...

4、How long must the records of tests and

How long must the records of tests and inspections of fire fighting equipment on board a ship be retained on board?()A6 monthsB1 yearC3 yearsDUntil the next inspection for certificatio

5、If a GMDSS radio operator initiates a

If a GMDSS radio operator initiates a DSC distress transmission but does not insert a message,what happens? ()AThe transmission is aborted an...

6、Which statement concerning GMDSS Radio

Which statement concerning GMDSS Radio Operator requirements is FALSE().AEach compulsory vessel must carry at least two licensed GMDSS Radio Ope...