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It’s also essential that we can not()a

It’s also essential that we can not()any marks mixed or damage to the cargo.

  • Aagree
  • Badopt
  • Ccheck
  • Daccept

1、We regret to()that it may not be possi

We regret to()that it may not be possible to deal with every request.Aput offBpass onChelp alongDpoint out

2、It is a type of desert bush that can()

It is a type of desert bush that can()extremes of temperature.AadaptBwithdrawCwithstandDshade

3、We regret () that we can’t accept your

We regret () that we can’t accept your offer.Aof sayingBfor sayingCabout sayingDto say

4、It was such a solemn occasion that not

It was such a solemn occasion that not even a child()a sound.AdeliveredButteredCvoicedDspoke

5、It was from only a few supplies that s

It was from only a few supplies that she had bought in the village the hostess cooked such a nice dinner.A whereBthatCwhenDwhich

6、We can conclude from this passage that

We can conclude from this passage that ______.A many turtles die while swimming to shoreB female turtles protect their babiesC once turtles leave land, they never return to the seaD the job of laying eggs takes tremendous strength