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Bernard Shaw began his career as a dra

Bernard Shaw began his career as a dramatist in 1892, when his first play "()"(1892) was put on by the independent theater society.


1、Edgar began()as an office boy years ag

Edgar began()as an office boy years ago.AjobBworkCpositionDoccupatio

2、He was () a box on his shoulder.

He was () a box on his shoulder.AcarryingBkeepingCbringing

3、He likes to()stamps as his hobby.

He likes to()stamps as his hobby.AcollectBraiseCgatherDpick

4、A seaman lost his continuous discharge

A seaman lost his continuous discharge book during the voyage. Upon discharge from Articles,he should be issued a().Aletter of service on com...

5、His hands _______ a little as he took

His hands _______ a little as he took up a pen and began to write.AwavedBshookCraisedD1ifted

6、A peculiarly pointed chin is his most

A peculiarly pointed chin is his most memorable facial()AmarkBfeatureCtraceDappearance