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Which client requests to the database

Which client requests to the database can be captured as a part of the workload capture?()

  • A flashback query
  • B distributed transactions
  • C logging in and logging out of sessions
  • D all DDL statements having bind variables
  • E direct path load of data from external file
分类:OCP 11G认证考试题库

1、Refer to the exhibit. A client has as

Refer to the exhibit. A client has asked you to consult on an eBGP loading question. Currently the AS 100 eBGP links have an average outboun...

2、I herely request permission to()the sh

I herely request permission to()the ship hull for routine maintenance.Aput paint onBapply paint ontoCoilDpaint

3、Which tool allows a LAN client to dete

Which tool allows a LAN client to determine which router should be the first hop to a particular remote destination, allowing simplified client...

4、You are kindly requested to supply the

You are kindly requested to supply the necessary tallymen to do()on board the ship during the discharging of the cargo.Athe tallying workBthe lashing workCthe clean workDthe work of opening and closing hatche

5、Which two client requests are captured

Which two client requests are captured during database replay Capture?() (Choose two)A Flashback queriesB Shared server requestsC Login and logo...

6、I hereby request permission to()the sh

I hereby request permission to()the ship hull for routine maintenance.Aput paint onBapply paint ontoCoilDpaint