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He()me do the work

He()me do the work

  • Agives
  • Bhelps
  • Cminds
  • Dcare

1、I wish that he()to the movies with me

I wish that he()to the movies with me yesterday.AwentBcould goCwas goneDcould have gone

2、--Do you know who telephoned me? --()

--Do you know who telephoned me? --()ANo,I didn’t phone you.BYes,I know you well.CI heard it was Sally.DYes,I remember it now.

3、He helps me()my homework.

He helps me()my homework.AwithBforCatDfrom

4、He is the man()dog bit me.

He is the man()dog bit me.AthatBwhichCwhose

5、He told me()bring you anything.

He told me()bring you anything.Anot toBto notCnotDdon't

6、At the age of 16,he worked for______.

At the age of 16,he worked for______.Ahis brotherBhimselfChis fatherDsomeone else