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The tube in a boiler should be blinded

The tube in a boiler should be blinded if found ().

  • Ascaled
  • Binformed
  • Cleaky
  • Ddeformed

1、In the future, more()should be placed

In the future, more()should be placed on the education of the young.AcrisisBimplicationsCimpressionsDemphasi

2、The internal part of boiler should be

The internal part of boiler should be cleaned by yard if found ().AscaledBwornCdeformedDrested

3、Waterside scale in a fire-tube boiler

Waterside scale in a fire-tube boiler may cause ().Aincreased heat transferBfireside erosionChigh steam demandDoverheated tube

4、The internal part of boiler should be

The internal part of boiler should be welded by yard if found ().AsealedBcrackedCshape changedDdeformed

5、()should be consulted to obtain the in

()should be consulted to obtain the information concerning port documents required by the port Authority.AAdmiralty Notices to MarinersBSOLASCAdmiralty Sailing DirectionsDGuide to Port Entry

6、______should be involved in the campai

______should be involved in the campaign to deal with substance abuse among youth.A SchoolsB Local, state and national governmentsC Families and communityD All of the above