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The well preparation of stowage plan w

The well preparation of stowage plan will().

  • Aincrease the ship's officers' knowledge
  • Bextend the ship's officers' knowledge
  • Cimprove the ship's cargo-handling equipment
  • Draise the working efficiency

1、Because the actual center of some plan

Because the actual center of some planets may differ from the observed center,the navigator applies a correction known as the().Aphase correctionBrefraction correctionCsemidiameter correctionDaugmentation correctio

2、The negotiation will()in a well-prepar

The negotiation will()in a well-prepared, calm and pragmatic manner, all laced()a substantial dose of humor.Aproceed; withBprocess; withCprocess; inDproceed; i

3、All things________,the planned trip w

All things________,the planned trip will have to be called off.AconsideredBconsideringCto be consideredDhaving considered

4、● (75)is one of the quality planning o

● (75)is one of the quality planning outputs.(75)A Scope base lineB Cost of qualityC Product specificationD Quality checklist

5、If my plan isn't()of by the committee,

If my plan isnt()of by the committee, all my work will have been wasted.AapprovedBconsentedCagreedDadmitted

6、The purpose of a bilge well is to().

The purpose of a bilge well is to().Aafford access to the shell through the double bottomsBcollect water to be pumped outCprovide access for the pneumercatorDprovide a base line for sounding measurement