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Due to lapse of time the risk in these

Due to lapse of time the risk in these areas to surface navigation is now considered ()than the ordinary risks of navigation,but a very real risk still exists with regard to anchoring,fishing or any form of submarine or seabed activity.

  • Amore serious
  • Bnot less serious
  • Cmore dangerous
  • Dno more dangerou

1、Due to the large amount of heat picked

Due to the large amount of heat picked up by the air in boiler and engine rooms, it would be () to maintain ambient conditions within the comfort zone by air conditioning.ApossibleBnecessaryCpracticableDimpracticable

2、In a diesel engine, the time taken to

In a diesel engine, the time taken to heat the fuel particles, turn them into vapor, and bring about combustion is called ()Ainjection lagBignition delayCcompressionDturbulence lag

3、In case of accidents()the risk of sink

In case of accidents()the risk of sinking,all effective measures shall be taken to steer clear of the fairway to avoid()the traffic.Ainvolving/impedingBinvolved/to impedeCinvolving/to impedeDinvolved/impeding

4、Refer to the exhibit. Which of these

Refer to the exhibit. Which of these statements correctly describes the state of the switch once the boot process has been completed?()AAs Fa...

5、Due to the shape of the sea anchor,the

Due to the shape of the sea anchor,the best way to haul it back aboard is by().Ahauling in on the anchor line as you would any anchorBgetting all hands to assistCits trip lineDcutting the line,as you cannot haul it back i

6、Due to GPS roll over of the clock cycl

Due to GPS roll over of the clock cycle,GPS receivers may give the wrong time and position or may lock up permanently on().A21-Aug-99B21-Sep-99COctoer 31,1999D31-Dec-99