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Is this__________first time you’ve fl

Is this__________first time you’ve flown on__________British Airways?

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【精析】句意:这是你第一次搭乘英国航空公司的航班吗?本题考查的是冠词的用法。序数词前面需要使用定冠词,公司名称前面不需要用任何冠词,故A正确。【知识拓展】He is sitting in the second row.他坐在第二排。He works in Microsoft.他在微软公司上班。


1、This students’ phone is_______

This students’ phone is_______Aapproved of by the majorityBdisapproved of by the majorityCrejected by middle school studentsDopposed by the parents of the callers

2、7.This is ________pen._________penis n

7.This is ________pen._________penis nice.A a,TheB the ;AC an ;AnD the ;The

3、Will you ________ this passage to see

Will you ________ this passage to see if there is any misprint?A[A] look upB[B] go overC[C] dwell onD[D] work out

4、1. —Whose guitar is this?—It ________

1. —Whose guitar is this?—It ________ Alice. She plays the guitar.A might beB must beC can belongD might belong to

5、7. Hi! This is_______ new teacher.____

7. Hi! This is_______ new teacher.__________ name is Linda.A your; MyB his; YourC your ; HerD her; His

6、8. —Is this his computer?—________

8. —Is this his computer?—________A No ,it isB Yes ,it isC Yes ,it isntD Yes ,its