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The Owners warrant that at the date of

The Owners warrant that at the date of delivery and throughout the period of service the hull,machinery and equipment of the ship is in a thoroughly efficient state,with a full and efficient()of Master,Officers and Crew.

  • Acomplement
  • Bsupplement
  • Cdeployment
  • Dsettlement

1、The fixing of a canceling date on a ch

The fixing of a canceling date on a charter-party merely()warning to the Shipowner that non-arrival by this date may result so as to entitle the Charterer to rescind.AtakesBcomesCgoesDgive

2、The creation of Northern Ireland dates

The creation of Northern Ireland dates from().when the Irish Free State was set up.A1916B1921C1937D1949

3、The figure that the volume of air at B

The figure that the volume of air at BDC is divided by the volume of air at TDC is termed as().Aignition ratioBpower ratioCcompression ratioDinjection ratio

4、The author of the passage insists that

The author of the passage insists that learning the arts_________.A requires great effortsB demands real passionC is less natural than learning mathsD is as natural as learning a language

5、The revision date of a chart is printe

The revision date of a chart is printed on which area of the chart? ()ATop centerBLower-left cornerCPart of the chart titleDAny clear area around the neat line

6、The owners of the S.S. Short Haul agre

The owners of the S.S. Short Haul agree to a charter with the Longsplice Steamship Company. The owners stipulate in the charter party that th...