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When discharging bilge water, which cr

When discharging bilge water, which criteria must be observed?()

  • AThe requirement for the oil content of bilge water discharged is 15 ppm
  • BNo discharge in sensitive waters
  • CAny discharge in sensitive waters
  • DInternational, national or local requirements have to be observed

1、When oil is accidentally discharged in

When oil is accidentally discharged into the water,what should you do after reporting the discharge().AContain the oil and remove as much of...

2、When distilling sea water the cooling

When distilling sea water the cooling water discharging from the distiller is fed back to evaporator as feed water ().Ato decrease scale formationBfor better cooling effectCfor more economical purposeDto raise vacuum

3、When oil is discharged overboard,an en

When oil is discharged overboard,an entry is required in the().Aengine rough logBOil Record BookCOfficial LogbookDdeck rough log

4、The pump used to send the bilge water

The pump used to send the bilge water into the oily water separator()the mixture because this might create finer oil particles.Ashould agitateBshould not agitateCshould mix upDshould not add u

5、The oil () in the discharging water fr

The oil () in the discharging water from oil water separator exceeds 15 PPM without alarm, because the coil was burnt out.AfilterBholeCpollutionDcontent

6、When discharging an oil cargo,the firs

When discharging an oil cargo,the first consideration is to().Aget the bow upBdischarge from the wings firstCdischarge from the centerline tanks firstDdischarge from amidships first