可学答题网 > 问答 > 锚泊与靠离泊作业题库
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The ship is moored()buoys.

The ship is moored()buoys.

  • Aof
  • Bon
  • Calongside
  • Dto

1、The conclusion is()the said ship is fi

The conclusion is()the said ship is fit to continue to sail.AitBthisCthatDwhat

2、If the ship is alongside the wharf,wha

If the ship is alongside the wharf,what kind of()is used?Apilot ladderBrope ladderCrod ladderDaccommodation ladder

3、A mooring buoy,if lighted,shows which

A mooring buoy,if lighted,shows which color light?()AYellowBWhiteCBlueDAny color except red or gree

4、The maneuverability of the ship is con

The maneuverability of the ship is considered()if the following criteria are complied with.AsatisfactoryBsatisfactorilyCsmoothDsmoothly

5、Owing to the big draft,the ship is not

Owing to the big draft,the ship is not permitted to go alongside until the time of().Aebb tideBflood tideCspring tideDslack water

6、()beautiful the ship is.

()beautiful the ship is.AWhatBHow muchCVeryDHow