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()is used in typical marine pattern se

()is used in typical marine pattern self-contained unit.

  • Aa water cooled condenser
  • Ba slop tank
  • Ca expansion tank
  • Da centrifugal pum

1、In a typical fuel system, the oil is s

In a typical fuel system, the oil is stored in () in the double bottom.Asetting tanksBservice tanksCtanksDdrain tank

2、()are used for anchor gear in marine w

()are used for anchor gear in marine work where the chains must withstand the corrosive effects of seawater.AChainsBWiresCRopesDLine

3、Which instrument is most useful in for

Which instrument is most useful in forecasting fog().AA barometerBAn anemometerCA sling psychrometerDA pyrometer

4、What rhetorical device is used in the

What rhetorical device is used in the underlined part of the sentence :There was an eloquent pause after the story was told?APun.BSimile.CMetaphor.DTransferred epithet.

5、What is considered a Serious Marine In

What is considered a Serious Marine Incident? ()Aan allision that results in $500 damage to a boat dockBan injury to a crewmember,passenger,...

6、Which device is used in wireless netwo

Which device is used in wireless networks to send transmissions to a target area?()A Optical fiberB Access pointC Omni-directional antennaD Directional antenna