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Paints and solvents on a vessel should

Paints and solvents on a vessel should be().

  • Astored safely at the work site until work is completed
  • Breturned to the paint locker after each use
  • Ccovered at all times to protect from ignition sources
  • Dstored in a suitable gear locker

1、Vessels ramaining()a few hours should

Vessels ramaining()a few hours should moor with anchors.Amuch thanBmore thanCmany thanDlot tha

2、Paints and solvents on a vessel should

Paints and solvents on a vessel should be().Astored safely in a cool dark non-ventilated area until work is completedBresealed and returned to...

3、Vessels should maintain a sharp lookou

Vessels should maintain a sharp lookout,especially during December through March,when navigating the right whale’s only known calving grounds wh...

4、A towing vessel should be on the crest

A towing vessel should be on the crest of a wave at the same time as its tow and in the trough at the same time. The term used to describe this is().Atow strainBcatenary lengthCbeing in stepDWilliamson's Tow

5、All personnel on board a vessel should

All personnel on board a vessel should be familiar with the rescue boat’s().Aboarding and operating procedureBmaintenance schedulesCnavigational systemsDfuel consumption rate

6、A fire and boat drill on a tank vessel

A fire and boat drill on a tank vessel shall, by regulation, include ().Astarting the fire pumpsBchecking firemans outfits and other personnel rescue equipmentCchecking relevant communications equipmentDAll of the above