目录: 标题| 题干| 答案| 搜索| 相关

______is a contiguous, numbered set of

______is a contiguous, numbered set of variables of a given base type, which can be used and passed to functions as a unit.

  • ARecord
  • BArray
  • CFile
  • DParameter



1、1.I have a set of________ .

1.I have a set of________ .Aa keyBkeysCkeyDthe key

2、8. It is________ of a problem to be po

8. It is________ of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest.A moreBlittleC muchDless

3、A great number of _______students said

A great number of _______students said they were forced to practise the piano.A to questionB to be questionedC questionedD questioning

4、A crater lake is at the tip of a _____

A crater lake is at the tip of a ______.A mountainB ridgeC islandD volcano

5、Jim is the most intelligent,of _______

Jim is the most intelligent,of __________Afour USBUS fourCthe four USDUS of four

6、______is the address of.a variable or

______is the address of.a variable or a variable in which the address of another variable is stored.ADirectorBPointerCArrayDRecord