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For GMDSS,when may a compulsory vessel

For GMDSS,when may a compulsory vessel not be allowed to leave port?()

  • AWhen the vessel is in an overloaded condition
  • BWhen the vessel has arranged for both duplication of equipment AND shore-based maintenance
  • CWhen the vessel has replaced a required piece of GMDSS-related equipment but its performance has not been verified or logged
  • DWhen the vessel is carrying only two licensed GMDSS Radio Operators and is capable of performing all required functio

1、A vessel may exhibit lights other than

A vessel may exhibit lights other than those prescribed by the Rules as long as the additional lights().Aare not the same color as either s...

2、The KM for a vessel may be determined

The KM for a vessel may be determined by which of the following?().AAdding the KB and the BMBSubtracting the KB from the BMCSubtracting the GM from the KBDAdding the GM and the KB

3、A vessel constrained by her draft may

A vessel constrained by her draft may display().Athree all-round red lightsBtwo 225°red lightsCthree all-round blue lightsDtwo 225°blue light

4、Vessels in port may use()for receiving

Vessels in port may use()for receiving typhoon warnings during the typhoon season.Atheir transmittersBtheir receiversCtheir radarsDtheir lora

5、The Master of a vessel may tender a No

The Master of a vessel may tender a Notice of Readiness to the charterer when the vessel ().Ahas completed the terms of the charter partyBis in all respects ready to loadCis in all respects ready to sailDis safely moored or at a suitable anchorage

6、Initial stability of a vessel may be i

Initial stability of a vessel may be improved by().Aremoving loose waterBadding weight low in the vesselCclosing crossover valves between partly filled double bottom tanksDAll of the above