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The lashings of a stack of containers

The lashings of a stack of containers with interlocking fittings restrain the forces that cause().

  • Atoppling
  • Bracking
  • Cbuckling
  • Dcrushing

1、Which of the following words contains

Which of the following words contains an inflectional morpheme?ADisappear.BBlacken.COxen.DAnti-pollution.

2、If the bill of lading contains the wor

If the bill of lading contains the words weight and quantity unknown,the shipper must()that the goods were in fact shipped to succeed in an action for non-deli-very.AshowBmakeCgetDhave

3、If the bill of lading()contain a space

If the bill of lading()contain a space in which the shipper can insert the declared value of the goods,the Shipowner is not entitled to limit his liability.AdoesBdidCdoes notDwill not

4、Which type of backup contains only the

Which type of backup contains only the blocks that have changed since the last level 0 incremental backup?()A a cumulative level 1 backupB a differential level 1 backupC a full backupD a whole backu

5、The introduction of containers in tran

The introduction of containers in transport greatly()carriage of goods.AfacilitateBspeedsCfacilitatesDeconomizes

6、A disadvantage of using chain lashing

A disadvantage of using chain lashing on heavy vehicles aboard Ro-Ro vessels is that it is ().AheavyBeasily damagedCaffected by temperatureDcostly relative to the strength ratio