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When current and voltage reach maximum

When current and voltage reach maximum values at the same time, the power factor is()

  • Aminimum
  • Bmaximum
  • Cleading
  • Dlagging

1、When force of winds reaches 10-11 in B

When force of winds reaches 10-11 in Beaufort scale,we usually call such wind().AGaleBStormCHurricaneDTyphoo

2、When the voltage remains constant and

When the voltage remains constant and the resistance is increased in a series circuit, the flow of current ()Aincreases by the square of the original valueBincreasesCremains the sameDdecrease

3、The dew point of air is reached when t

The dew point of air is reached when the wet bulb temperature is ().ATwice the dry bulb temperatureB10℃ above the dry bulb temperatureC5℃ above the dry bulb temperatureDEqual to the dry bulb temperature

4、With a () load the voltage and current

With a () load the voltage and current are in phase.Apure resistanceBcapacitiveCinductiveDNone of the above

5、The dew point is reached when the().

The dew point is reached when the().Atemperature of the air equals the temperature of the seawaterBatmospheric pressure is 14.7 lbs. per square inchCrelative humidity reaches 50%Dair becomes saturated with water vapor

6、With a purely () load the voltage and

With a purely () load the voltage and current are in phase, giving a power factor of one.AinductiveBresistanceCcombinedDcapacitate