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Can I borrow your digital camera for a

Can I borrow your digital camera for a couple of days?()

  • AYes, you may not borrow.
  • BYes, go on.
  • CSure, here you are. Enjoy your journey.
  • DIt doesn't matter

1、--Could I borrow your CD of English so

--Could I borrow your CD of English songs? --()ANo,I am not available.BThank you very much.CI’m sorry.It’s not at hand now.DIt’s very kind of you.

2、May I borrow your umbrella for a momen

May I borrow your umbrella for a moment?()ANo, you can't do itBSorry, but you may notCWell, I am afraid I am going to use it myselfDOf course not. I'm going to need it myself

3、You can ____ your lawyer for the settl

You can ____ your lawyer for the settlement of the dispute(争议).A approachB get in touchC get contact withD touch

4、What can I do for you?()

What can I do for you?()ANo, thanksBOf course notCI agree notDSorry

5、— What can I do for you? —()

— What can I do for you?—()AI want a kilo of pears.BYou can do in your own way.CThanks.DExcuseme.I’m busy.

6、A:Can I do anything for you? B:()

A:Can I do anything for you? B:()ANo. You can't do anything for me.BNo,it's alright. I can manage myself.CNever mindDIt's my pleasure