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The crane manufacturer’s operating tab

The crane manufacturer’s operating tables are posted near the().

  • Acrane pedestal
  • Bwire-rope locker
  • Cmain deck
  • Dcrane control

1、What is/are the advantage(s)of cranes

What is/are the advantage(s)of cranes over conventional cargo booms().ACranes are able to pick up and drop loads over a greater spotting are...

2、Manufacturers have discovered the secr

Manufacturers have discovered the secret of colours in marketing______.A by accumulating their various experiencesB by experimenting with different coloursC by developing the discipline of colour psychologyD by trying not to make mistakes

3、On a ship’s crane,the load chart relat

On a ship’s crane,the load chart relates the allowable load to the combination of the boom length and().Awinch speedBboom strengthCload radiusDcable strength

4、The piston rings are manufactured with

The piston rings are manufactured with a diameter () the bore of the cylinder.Alarger thanBsmaller thanCequal toDnone of the above

5、To ensure the safe operation of each s

To ensure the safe operation of each ship and to provide a link between the Company and those on board, every Company, as appropriate, should...

6、Concerning the incinerator’s operation

Concerning the incinerator’s operation, which of the following is not correct?()AScavenging time should be more 30 seconds before ignitingBThe ...