可学答题网 > 问答 > 门座式起重机司机(技师)题库,起重机操作证考试题库
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would you like()a cup of tea?

would you like()a cup of tea?

  • Ahave
  • Bto have
  • Chaving
  • Dto having



1、A: Would you like 

A:Wouldyoulikeacupofcoffee?B:()A That’s Research and Development.B No, thank you.C Yes.D Thank you.

2、Would you like to go to a concert this

Would you like to go to a concert this evening?()AOK. Let's go.BYou are welcomeCBut I have nothing else to do.DNot bad.

3、—Which would you like, tea or milk?

—Which would you like, tea or milk?A—_________BA. Help yourself. What? I don’t like tea at all. C. Milk, please.

4、34.—Would you like to go and see a fil

34.—Would you like to go and see a film?—Sure, the TV programmes are too ________ .A surprisingB interestingC excitingD boring

5、Would you like to see a film?()

Would you like to see a film?()AYes, I'd love to.BDo it, pleaseCNo, you like it?DHow do you do?

6、--Which of the two ties would you like

--Which of the two ties would you like to wear? --____. You know I'm not particular about ties.AA. AnyBB. EitherCC. BothDD. Neither