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Damage by()shall not be considered as

Damage by()shall not be considered as handling damage.

  • Aexposure to inclement weather conditions
  • Bcarelessness
  • Cthe use of improper gear
  • Dmoisture caused by condensatio

1、Which vessel is NOT to be regarded as

Which vessel is NOT to be regarded as restricted in her ability to maneuver().AA vessel transferring provisions while underwayBA pushing vessel...

2、Damage to cargo caused by dust is know

Damage to cargo caused by dust is known as().AcontaminationBoxidationCtaintingDvaporizatio

3、Duties shall be so organized by the ch

Duties shall be so organized by the chief engineer officer that the first watch at the commencement of a voyage and the subsequent relieving watches are () and otherwise fit for duty.Awell trainedBin good luckCin good healthDsufficiently rested

4、Damage to ship’s fittings caused by st

Damage to ship’s fittings caused by stevedore’s negligence often happens.Therefore,the stevedores()the cost of repairs effected.Ashould hold responsible forBshould hear in mindCshould be held responsible forDshould bear no compensation for

5、Damage()the goods was caused by heavy

Damage()the goods was caused by heavy rain during transit.AofBforConDto

6、The extent of the damage could not be(

The extent of the damage could not be()though I inspected it with the Chief Stevedore in charge.AsureBcontainedCascertainedDapplied