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The radar component that produces the

The radar component that produces the synchronizing signal and triggers the indicator sweep is which of the following?().

  • Atransmitter
  • Bantenna system
  • Cindicator
  • Dmodulator

1、The vertical component of the Earth’s

The vertical component of the Earth’s magnetic field causes induced magnetism in vertical soft iron. This changes with latitude. What corrects ...

2、The transfer procedures for oil produc

The transfer procedures for oil products are required to be posted ().Ain the pilothouseBin the officer's loungeCin the upper pumproom flatDwhere they can be easily seen or readily available

3、The radar control that shortens all ec

The radar control that shortens all echoes on the display and reduces clutter caused by rain or snow is the().Asensitivity time control (sea clutter control)Breceiver gain controlCbrilliance controlDfast time constant (differentiator)

4、The recording fathometer produces a gr

The recording fathometer produces a graphic record of the().Abottom contour only up to depths of 100 fathomsBdepth underneath the keel against a time baseCcontour of the bottom against a distance baseDdepth of water against a distance base

5、()the canal transit,the radar was oper

()the canal transit,the radar was operating.AAtBInCDuringDWith

6、The fog is lifted,so()the radar.

The fog is lifted,so()the radar.AcloseBopenCswitch offDswitch o