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All echo-sounders can measure the().

All echo-sounders can measure the().

  • Aactual depth of water
  • Bactual depth of water below keel
  • Caverage depth from waterline to hard bottom
  • Daverage depth of water to soft bottom

1、The following measures can be used to

The following measures can be used to improve oily water separator’s separating effect except ()Aoverhauling every two yearBworking at intervalsCrenewing filtration materialDpumping bilge water from different layers respectively

2、All of the following can be determined

All of the following can be determined by use of a stabilogauge except().Ametacentric heightBmean draftCmoment to trim one inchDDeadweight

3、Bridge gauge can be used to measure ()

Bridge gauge can be used to measure () of a diesel engine.Adiameters of journalsBdeflections of crankwebsCdiameters of crankpinsDnone of the above

4、How can resource all

How can resource allocations for an active partition on a Power 750 be changed im...

5、()is measured from the baseline to the

()is measured from the baseline to the summer loadline at the midship section.AExtreme draftBMolded draftCExtreme depthDMolded depth

6、An ohmmeter can be used to measure()

An ohmmeter can be used to measure()Acurrent flow in a circuitBvoltage between two points in a circuitCcircuit continuityDpower