For debugging purposes, you need to record how many times a given JSP is invoked before the user’ssession has been created. The JSP’s destroy method stores this information to a database. Which JSPcode snippet keeps track of this count for the lifetime of the JSP page?()
- A<%! int count = 0; %><% if ( request.getSession(false) == null ) count++; %>
- B<%@ int count = 0; %>. <% if ( request.getSession(false) == null ) count++; %>
- C<% int count = 0;. if ( request.getSession(false) == null ) count++; %>
- D<%@ int count = 0;. if ( request.getSession(false) == null ) count++; %>
- E<%! int count = 0;. if ( request.getSession(false) == null ) count++; %>