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Each cylinder in a two stroke cycle en

Each cylinder in a two stroke cycle engine experiences combustion().

  • Aonce each crankshaft revolution
  • Btwice each crankshaft revolution
  • Cevery other crankshaft revolution
  • Devery fourth stroke

1、In a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine, t

In a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine, the exhaust gases are expelled from the cylinder by the()Aexhaust manifoldBvalve bridgeCpressure of the fresh air chargeDvalve adjusting gear

2、A connecting rod in a four-stroke/cycl

A connecting rod in a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine is subject to()Atension load twice each crankshaft revolutionBcompression load during power...

3、Scavenging in a four-stroke/cycle dies

Scavenging in a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine occurs during the ().Alast part of the exhaust stroke, and the first part of the intake strokeBlast part of the intake stroke onlyCearly part of the injection stroke onlyDearly part of the power stroke

4、In the cylinder head of a two-stroke/c

In the cylinder head of a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine, valves are used for()Aair intakeBa fuel outletCcooling water inletsDexhausting combustion ga

5、A six-cylinder, two-stroke/cycle diese

A six-cylinder, two-stroke/cycle diesel engine is fitted with a rotary distributing air starting systemThe speed of the rotating distributor disc is ()Aone-half engine speedBthe same as engine speedCtwice engine speedDfour times engine speed

6、In a single acting, four-stroke/cycle

In a single acting, four-stroke/cycle diesel engine, the power impulse in an individual cylinder occurs ()Aonce every crankshaft revolutionBonce every two crankshaft revolutionsConce every piston strokeDtwice every piston stroke