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We drop a piece of metal into a jar fu

We drop a piece of metal into a jar full of water, the metal will float if it weighs less than______.

  • A an equal amount of silver
  • B an equal amount of gold
  • C all the water in the jar now
  • D the water that leaves the jar

50.答案为D  此题为推断题。根据阿基米德定理,推断试验的结果,答案选D。


1、Anna was reading a piece of science fi

Anna was reading a piece of science fiction, completely ________ to the outside world.A[A] being lostB[B] having lostC[C] losingD[D] lost

2、A piece of small stuff (small line) se

A piece of small stuff (small line) secured to an object to prevent it from going adrift is a().AlanyardBkeeperCnooseDstopper

3、Into which two types of areas would a

Into which two types of areas would an area border router (ABR) inject a default route?()A stubB the autonomous system of an exte rior gate...

4、Any piece of metal on becoming magneti

Any piece of metal on becoming magnetized will develop regions of concentrated magnetism called().AfluxBpolesCmagnetsDazimuth

5、A pressure drop in the liquid line of

A pressure drop in the liquid line of a refrigeration system may cause()Athe solenoid valve to seizeBthe compressor to huntCflash gas to form in the liquid lineDthe expansion valve to freeze ope

6、A metal ring on the bottom of a block,

A metal ring on the bottom of a block,to which the standing part of a tackle is spliced,is known as a(n)().AbecketBloopCswivelDeye